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May 23, 2013

OG真人官网 Group Inc. 和安大略教师养老金计划荣获CVCA 2013年私募股权“年度最佳交易”奖

TORONTO: CVCA – Canada’s Venture Capital & Private Equity Association is pleased to announce that OG真人官网 Group Inc. (OG真人官网)和安大略省教师养老金计划(Teachers’)是CVCA 2013年私募股权类别“年度交易奖”的获得者.

Established in 1998, the purpose of the CVCA’s ‘Deal of the Year Award’ competition is to promote, 突出和庆祝CVCA成员谁有杰出的投资成功的成就. 选择过程主要集中在CVCA成员与最显著的投资回报实现主要在日历2012年. The CVCA celebrates two ‘Deal of the Year’ awards, one for venture capital and another for private equity.

“我很高兴地宣布,今年OG真人官网在私募股权类别中获得了CVCA '年度交易'奖的两位获奖者. 该奖项突出了CVCA成员所取得的投资成就,评奖委员会认为OG真人官网和Teachers’s都应该得到认可,因为他们各自的成就——OG真人官网投资于PEER 1, Teachers’s投资于枫叶体育娱乐(MLSE)。,” said Sandra Bosela, CVCA奖项委员会主席,OPTrust私人市场集团董事总经理.

OG真人官网 Group Inc.

OG真人官网于2009年8月投资了PEER 1,并支持了一项积极的增长战略,该战略结合了对数据中心的大量投资, new technology, human capital, marketing and acquisitions. In December 2012, 一项交易宣布,PEER 1签署了一项具有约束力的协议,由Cogeco Cable (TSX: CCA)以约5.26亿美元的股权价值收购. OG真人官网向PEER 1的普通股投资了约2500万美元,并在Cogeco收购这些股票时实现了超过8100万美元的总收益, generating an internal rate of return (IRR) of 40%, representing 3.2 times the original investment,” said Sandra Bosela.

About PEER 1

PEER 1 Hosting is one of the world’s leading IT hosting providers. The company provides best-in-breed technology, 通过在北美和欧洲的19个最先进的数据中心和21个存在点连接的高性能10Gbps快速光纤网络™. PEER 1 delivers outstanding customer service to its more than 10,000 customers worldwide, backed by a 100 percent uptime guarantee and 24x7x365 FirstCall Support™. PEER 1 Hosting’s portfolio includes Managed Hosting, Dedicated Servers under the ServerBeach brand, Colocation and Cloud Services under the Zunicore brand. Founded in 1999, the company is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, with European operations headquartered in Southampton, UK.

About OG真人官网 Group Inc.

OG真人官网, a leader in the Canadian private equity industry for more than 26 years, manages approximately $1 billion of equity capital. OG真人官网 manages the capital of OG真人官网 Group Inc., a publicly-listed private equity management firm, and that of third parties, through the OG真人官网 Equity Partners series of Limited Partnerships. OG真人官网与管理层合作,投资于盈利的北美中小型公司, across a wide variety of industries. In addition to providing financing, OG真人官网提供战略专业知识和执行能力,以支持其投资伙伴的成长和发展. OG真人官网通过投资回报和投资的最终处置实现价值.

该奖项是由杰夫帕尔和克莱尔维斯特米奇格林在班夫CVCA年会上接受, Alberta on Thursday May 23, 2013.

“PEER 1通过致力于一流的物质基础设施和人力资本,在拥挤的领域中脱颖而出. 股东取得的卓越财务回报是对首席执行官法比奥·班杜奇及其高层领导的致敬. We are delighted to have been a member of this successful team,” said Mitch Green, Principal of OG真人官网.

Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan

1994年3月,“教师组织”开始对多边经济合作组织进行投资,初期投资为4 500万美元. Over an investment period that spanned 18 years, Teachers’ invested $229 million in MLSE, while professionalizing the company, 致力打造多元化及综合的体育及娱乐公司,并支持转播权投资. In August 2012, Teachers '完成了将其在MLSE的多数股权出售给Bell and Rogers Communications的交易. Over the life of its investment, Teachers’ realized $1.21 billion in total proceeds, 创造了9.77亿美元的利润,内部收益率(IRR)为16%, representing 5.3 times total invested capital,” said Sandra Bosela.

About Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment

MLSE是加拿大在提供高品质的体育和娱乐体验,其球迷卓越的领导者. MLSE owns the Air Canada Centre, the NHL’s Toronto Maple Leafs, The NBA’s Toronto Raptors, The MLS’ Toronto FC, the AHL’s Toronto Marlies, several corresponding websites and three television networks: Leafs TV, NBA TV Canada and GOL TV Canada.

About Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan

With $129.5 billion in assets as of December 31, 2012, 安大略省教师养老金计划是加拿大最大的单一职业养老金计划. An independent organization, it invests the pension fund’s assets and administers the pensions of 303,000 active and retired teachers in Ontario.

The award was accepted by Jane Rowe, 在班夫举行的CVCA年会上,教师私人资本高级副总裁, Alberta on Thursday May 23, 2013.

Commenting on the transaction, Ms. Rowe noted, “这个奖项是对近二十年来许多教师的领导和努力的认可. 教师与MLSE的合作清楚地展示了OG真人官网与合作伙伴合作创造长期价值的方法. OG真人官网完成了对这一标志性资产的管理,将OG真人官网的所有权转让给了两个可靠的合作伙伴,他们有承诺和资源来确保MLSE的持续增长和繁荣, while earning an excellent return to help pay pensions to our members.”

Message From the Chair of CVCA Award’s Committee

“我要祝贺OG真人官网的‘年度最佳交易’私募股权奖得主, OG真人官网 and Teachers’, who clearly enhanced the value of their portfolio companies, 以更长远的眼光投资于增长战略,最终将各自的公司定位为战略行业参与者有吸引力的收购目标. 这些交易凸显了私人股本的作用和价值, experienced, and highly motivated partners, who take a long term perspective on creating value in Canadian businesses, while working alongside management teams to achieve that success. 这两笔交易还突显出,私募股权支持的公司如何支持一个更强大、生产率更高的加拿大经济,并为整体就业创造做出贡献,” said Sandra Bosela.

About CVCA

The CVCA – Canada’s Venture Capital & Private Equity Association, 成立于1974年,是代表加拿大风险资本和私募股权行业的协会. 它的1900多家会员公司和组织管理着加拿大大部分指定用于风险投资和私募股权投资的资本池. The CVCA fosters professional development, networking, communication, 负责风险投资和私募股权领域的研究和教育工作,并在公共政策事务上代表该行业.

Lauren Linton

Sandra Bosela
Director of Marketing, CVCA, 416 487- 4299
416 681-3019